Homemade chocolates

4 slabs of cooking chocolate (chopped)
Microwave safe bowl
ready to use chocolate moulds (made of silicon)
rice crisps as required
Melt the cooking chocolate in a microwave safe bowl for 30 second intervals. Stir and continue to melt.
When the chocolate is melted drip chocolate into chocolate molds, with a small spoon. Fill to the top. Wipe edges of each mould, don't forget to clean with your finger so there is no more chocolate on the edges. See picture below under filled chocolates.
Tap the molds on kitchen platform to get rid of air bubbles. Place in freezer for 20 minutes or until under side of mould is frosty. Turn mould upside down on a sheet of waxed paper and chocolates will fall out if need you can twist the mould to get them out.

How to make chocolates with rice crisps?
Using the same method after the chocolate is melted and you take it out from the microwave, add the rice crisps and drip this chocolate into the mould immediately.
After the chocolates are done wrap them into  chocolate wrapping papers and close it with a twister, these wrapping papers and twisters are easily available in any leading stores

1 comment:

  1. Very well said. You have provided the most simplest but informative and helpful ways about Homepage chocolates. I really learned a lot. This is great recipe of chocolates.Send chocolate bouquet to Pune to make your special ones feel super special.


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